Table schema

This template project was built with much table. The fields content in each table was exposed here. Please respect each definition to fill the database.

NB : a field is mandatory if he have this symbol : *.


Represent a sampling project.

main table

name definition
id_dataset *
lb_dataset * default id_dataset + “dataset”
dataset_owner * the person and/or company who owns the data with associated rights
dataset_institute institute (or representative one) associated with the dataset
dataset_country country in which the location is located (full name in english)
id_template * id_format_template de table format_template existant
default_availability * set True if all data is public access (login remain mandatory)
dataset_status * Set data status among : dataset-only, inventory-only, full-data
DOI DOI if possible
creation_date dataset creation date

side table dataset_info

name type unit definition
comments char Ø general comment


Table for define a station also know as site sampling

main table

name definition
id_site Auto increment
cd_site * site code in case of existing nomenclature (eg water agency station coding)
x * The latitude of the location (datum : WGS84)
y * The longitude of the location (datum : WGS84)
z Mean altitude of the site or station above sea level (metrique)
GPS_accuracy * accuracy in log10 scale : 1m, 10m, 100m, 1km, unknown
river full name of the river, including the watercourse type
country * country in which the location is located (full name in english or ISO3166 two letter code)

side table site_info

name type unit definition
comments char Ø general comment


Table of survey (sample × time)

main table

name definition
lb_survey * explicit labeling possible
id_site_dataset * id_site_meta de table Dataset_site existant
date * yyyy-mm-dd
ecological_theme * ecological theme between (invertebrate, fish, PC, T° etc…) : each theme tables (context and dataSample + corr. side tables) will have its own schemas
classe * type de mesure : directe ; indirecte (DNA) ; modélisée

side table doesn’t not exist



main table

name definition
lb_sample explicit labeling possible
id_survey *
time * hh:mm:ss

side table sample_info

name type unit definition
sorter * char Ø first name_last name of the person who sorted the biota.


Sample with taxon counts

main table

name definition
id_sample * id_sample from Sample table
id_taxon_ori * id_taxon from ref_taxa_categ as it was when added to base.
id_taxon * id_taxon from ref_taxa_categ up to date.
value * counted or mesured value

side table sample_data_info

name type unit definition
identifier * char Ø The person(s) who identified the biota. Enter names of different people in consecutive columns
life_stage * char Ø life stage
type_of_value * char Ø modalité possible: count/estimation
sieve_250_value * double Ø counted or mesured value in sieve 250 µm
sieve_500_value * double Ø counted or mesured value in sieve 500 µm
sieve_2000_value * double Ø counted or mesured value in sieve 2000 µm
comments char Ø general comment
identification_protocol * char Ø name of the protocol used for identification of the taxon
sensu * char Ø meaning "in the sense of"
id_protocol int Ø id of the protocol used to sample the data (biologic, physic, chemical, geographic,etc...)
id_device int Ø id of the device used to sample the data (biologic, physic, chemical, geographic,etc...)