Table schema

This template project was built with much table. The fields content in each table was exposed here. Please respect each definition to fill the database.

NB : a field is mandatory if he have this symbol : *.


Represent a sampling project.

main table

name definition
id_dataset *
lb_dataset * default id_dataset + “dataset”
dataset_owner * the person and/or company who owns the data with associated rights
dataset_institute institute (or representative one) associated with the dataset
dataset_country country in which the location is located (full name in english)
id_template * id_format_template de table format_template existant
default_availability * set True if all data is public access (login remain mandatory)
dataset_status * Set data status among : dataset-only, inventory-only, full-data
DOI DOI if possible
creation_date dataset creation date

side table dataset_info

name type unit definition
data_provider char Ø The person and/or company who provided the data. For multiple providers, enter individual providers in consecutive columns
contact_name char Ø The person to contact about the data. For multiple contacts, enter individual contacts in consecutive columns
contact_email char Ø The contact email of the person to contact about the data. For multiple email addresses, enter individual email addresses in consecutive columns
collector char Ø The person(s) responsible for sampling. Enter names of different people in consecutive columns
identifier char Ø The person(s) who identified the biota. Enter names of different people in consecutive columns
coder char Ø The person(s) who entered the data into the IRBAS templates. Enter names of different people in consecutive columns
project char Ø The project associated with the sampling. For multiple projectss, enter individual projects in consecutive columns
author_s char Ø The author(s) of the reference(s) associated with the data For multiple authors of the same reference, separate their names with commas. For multiple references, enter the requested data for individual references in consecutive columns, retaining the same order as that indicated in other 'reference' fields (author_s, publication_year, title, edition, reference_type, publication_repository)
publication_year int YYYY (year) The publication year of the reference(s) associated with the data. For multiple references, enter the requested data for individual references in consecutive columns, retaining the same order as that indicated in other 'reference' fields (author_s, publication_year, title, edition, reference_type, publication_repository)
title char Ø The title of the reference(s) associated with the data. For multiple references, enter individual references in consecutive columns, retaining the same order as that indicated in other 'reference' fields (author_s, publication_year, title, edition, reference_type, publication_repository)
edition char Ø The edition parameters of the reference(s) associated with the data. For multiple references, enter the requested data for individual references in consecutive columns, retaining the same order as that indicated in other 'reference' fields (author_s, publication_year, title, edition, reference_type, publication_repository)
reference_type char Ø The reference type of the reference(s) associated with the data. For multiple references, enter the requested data for individual references in consecutive columns, retaining the same order as that indicated in other 'reference' fields (author_s, publication_year, title, edition, reference_type, publication_repository)
publication_repository char Ø The physical or electronic location of the reference(s) associated with the data. For multiple references, enter the requested data for individual references in consecutive columns, retaining the same order as that indicated in other 'reference' fields (author_s, publication_year, title, edition, reference_type, publication_repository)
availability int Ø Indicates whether the data are available to users other than the provider and IRBAS administrators


Table for define a station also know as site sampling

main table

name definition
id_site Auto increment
cd_site * site code in case of existing nomenclature (eg water agency station coding)
x * The latitude of the location (datum : WGS84)
y * The longitude of the location (datum : WGS84)
z Mean altitude of the site or station above sea level (metrique)
GPS_accuracy * accuracy in log10 scale : 1m, 10m, 100m, 1km, unknown
river full name of the river, including the watercourse type
country * country in which the location is located (full name in english or ISO3166 two letter code)

side table site_info

name type unit definition
site_name char Ø name of the site
location_name char Ø name of the location sampled within the site
flow_station_name char Ø name of the flow gauging station
flow_station_code char Ø code name of the flow gauging station
rainfall_station_name char Ø name of the rainfall gauging station
rainfall_station_code char Ø code name of the rainfall gauging station
temperature_station_name char Ø name of the temperature gauging station
temperature_station_code char Ø code name of the temperature gauging station
catchment_name char Ø name of the catchment (= watershed = river basin) in which the site and river are located
climate char Ø The climate class for the location, based on its co-ordinates and the updated world map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification by Peel et al. (2007) (available at: You can download a Google-Earth layer of this map (available at: so you can quickly check the climate class of your sampling locations based on their coordinates
USconfluence_distance float km (kilometer) distance from location or station to nearest upstream confluence
source_distance float km (kilometer) distance from location or station to source of stream/river if no upstream confluence(s)
mouth_distance float km (kilometer) distance from location or station to river mouth (at coastline)
DSconfluence_distance float km (kilometer) distance from location or station to nearest downstream confluence (or river mouth if no downstream confluences)
lat_station char dec.deg. (decimal degrees) The latitude of the flow, rainfall or temperature station (datum : WGS84). Mandatory if a flow, rainfall or temperature station_name or station_code has been provided
long_station char dec.deg. (decimal degrees) The longitude of the flow, rainfall or temperature station (datum : WGS84). Mandatory if a flow, rainfall or temperature station_name or station_code has been provided
flow_regime char Ø The flow regime (perennial flow or otherwise) at the location or flow-station location over the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Perennial implies surface water does not cease to flow at the location; non-perenial that surface water ceases to flow at the location.
flow_regime_timespan char Ø The relevant time span to which the 'flow-regime' information applies
water_regime char Ø The water regime (permanent presence of water or otherwise) at the location over the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. If the flow regime is perennial, the water regime must be permanent. If the flow regime is non-perennial, the water regime can be permanent (e.g. locations that are persistant pools) or non-permanent (e.g. locations in which streambeds dry)
water_regime_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'water-regime' information applies
geoclass char Ø Geographic and geologic class of intermittency for the location, as defined by Larned et al. 2010 (does not apply to those perennially flowing)
intermittency_origin char Ø Primary mechanism(s) controlling water loss at the location, as defined by Larned et al. 2010 (does not apply to those perennially flowing)
discharge_mean_annual float m3 s^⁻1 () Mean annual discharge over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a flow-gauging station
discharge_mean_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'discharge_mean_annual' statistic applies
discharge_min_annual float m3 s^⁻1 () Mean minimum annual discharge over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a flow-gauging station
discharge_min_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'discharge_min_annual' statistic applies
discharge_max_annual float m3 s^⁻1 () Mean maximum annual discharge over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a flow-gauging station
discharge_max_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'discharge_max_annual' statistic applies
ZFD_mean_annual int days () Mean annual number of zero flow days over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a flow-gauging station
ZFD_mean_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'ZFD_mean_annual' statistic applies
ZFD_min_annual int days () Mean minimum annual number of zero flow days over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a flow-gauging station
ZFD_min_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'ZFD_min_annual' statistic applies
ZFD_max_annual int days () Mean maximum annual number of zero flow days over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a flow-gauging station
ZFD_max_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'ZFD_max_annual' statistic applies
rainfall_mean_annual float mm (millimeter) Mean annual precipitation over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a rainfall-gauging station
rainfall_mean_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'rainfall_mean_annual' statistic applies
rainfall_min_annual float mm (millimeter) Mean minimum annual precipitation over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a rainfall-gauging station
rainfall_min_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'rainfall_min_annual' statistic applies
rainfall_max_annual float mm (millimeter) Mean maximum annual precipitation over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a rainfall-gauging station
rainfall_max_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'rainfall_max_annual' statistic applies
temperature_mean_annual float °C (degrees Celcius) Mean annual temperature over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are derived from a temperature-gauging station
temperature_mean_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'temperature_mean_annual' statistic applies
temperature_min_annual float °C (degrees Celcius) Mean minimum annual temperature over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Dare are derived from a temperature-gauging station
temperature_min_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'temperature_min_annual' statistic applies
temperature_max_annual float °C (degrees Celcius) Mean maximum annual temperature over a set time period as indicated in the associated 'timespan' field. Data are from a temperature-gauging station
temperature_max_annual_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan and timestep to which the 'temperature_max_annual' statistic applies
LULC char Ø main land/water use or land cover at the location or station (in the riparian zone and surrounding lands within a 1km radius of the sampling location, taken from each river bank) and as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
LULC_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'LULC' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
human_mod_level char Ø qualitative assessment of degree of human modification to flow regime and/or environmental habitat at and surrounding the location or station, as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
human_mod_level_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'human_mod_level' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
flow_impact_US char Ø qualitative determination that the flow regime at the location is under significant impact from upstream human activities (e.g. major dam, groundwater abstraction), as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
flow_impact_US_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'flow_impact_US' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
WQ_impact_US char Ø qualitative determination that the water quality at the location is under significant impact from upstream human activities (e.g. mining, dredging), as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
WQ_impact_US_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'WQ_impact_US' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
mean_annual_ZF_dur float Ø mean duration of zero fow at the location per year, in months, and as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
mean_annual_ZF_dur_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'mean_annual_ZF_dur' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
mean_annual_dry_dur float Ø mean duration of dry conditions (no surface water) at the location per year, in months, and as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
mean_annual_dry_dur_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'mean_annual_dry_dur' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
ZF_season char Ø the most common flow-cessation season for the location, using seasons as previously defined, and as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
ZF_season_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'ZF_season' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
ZF_regularity char Ø regularity of flow cessation events at the location, and as applicable to the period indicated in the associated 'timespan' field
ZF_regularity_timespan char Ø The relevant timespan to which the 'ZF_regularity' information applies. The timespan will usually equal the period over which your study was conducted.
discrete_ZF_period_timespan int Ø The time period describing an individual zero-flow event at the location, as indicated by a start date (commencement of the zero-flow period) and an end date (end of the zero-flow period)
discrete_dry_period_timespan int Ø The time period describing an individual no-surface-water event (i.e. when the riverbed is dry) at the location, as indicated by a start date (commencement of the dry period) and an end date (end of the dry period)


Table of survey (sample × time)

main table

name definition
lb_survey * explicit labeling possible
id_site_dataset * id_site_meta de table Dataset_site existant
date * yyyy-mm-dd
ecological_theme * ecological theme between (invertebrate, fish, PC, T° etc…) : each theme tables (context and dataSample + corr. side tables) will have its own schemas
classe * type de mesure : directe ; indirecte (DNA) ; modélisée

side table doesn’t not exist



main table

name definition
lb_sample explicit labeling possible
id_survey *
time * hh:mm:ss

side table sample_info

name type unit definition
replicat_number int Ø number of replicat
sample_name char Ø name of the sample replicate (a unique identifier that follows naming convention rules)
sampling_date_start char yyyy-mm-dd (date standart) date sampling began for this sample
sampling_date_end char yyyy-mm-dd (date standart) date sampling ended for this sample (leave blank if same date as the start date but do not delete the column)
sampling_season char Ø season of sampling based on the date (month) in which sampling was conducted, using the meteorological seasons only (starting on the 1st day of Dec, Mar, Jun, Sep) and according to southern or northern hemisphere location
water_state char Ø water state of sampling location across entire width of wetted or active channel
flow_state char Ø flow state of sampling location across entire width of wetted or active channel
sampling_strategy char Ø overall strategy (design) used to locate samples of this type (i.e. how were the positions of individual samples within a location chosen?)
sampling_strategy_coverage char YYYY (year) strategy used to collect samples of this type (additional information to sampling_strategy)
sampling_strategy_processing char Ø strategy used to collect and/or process samples of this type (additional information to sample_strategy_coverage)
sampling_strategy_treatment char Ø experimental treatment subjected or applicable to samples of this type. Leave blank if this does not apply (but do not delete the column)
sampling_protocol char Ø method used to collect samples of type "physicochemsity" and "cover description". Leave blank if this does not apply to your sample type e.g. "waterbody dimensions" (but do not delete the column)
sampling_zone char Ø the general type of environment ('zone') in which the sample was taken
sampling_habitat char Ø type of habitat(s) sampled to collect this type of sample
number_samples int Ø number of individual samples from which the data corresponding to this sample is derived (1 when the sample is a unique replicate, >1 when the sample data is a mean of mulitple replicates). Leave blank if this does not apply (but do not delete the column)
quantitative_sampling_depth float m (meter) quantitative depth in water, soil or sediment at which sample was taken (from the water surface for water samples, from the bed or soil surface if sediment or soil samples). Leave blank if this does not apply (but do not delete the column)
qualitative_sampling_depth char Ø qualitative depth at which sample was taken. Leave blank if this does not apply (but do not delete the column)
area_sampled float m² (square meter) area from which the sample was obtained. Leave blank if this does not apply (but do not delete the column)
volume_sampled float m³ (cubic meter) volume from which the sample was obtained. Leave blank if this does not apply (but do not delete the column)
time_per_sample float min (minutes) time taken to obtain the sample. Leave blank if this does not apply (but do not delete the column)
TN float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Total nitrogen concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
TKN float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
TP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Total phosphorus concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
TC float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Total carbon concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
TON float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Total organic nitrogen concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
TOP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Total organic phosphorus concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
TOC float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Total organic carbon concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
DOP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Dissolved organic phosphorus concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
DOC float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Dissolved organic carbon concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
NH4 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
NOX float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
NO2 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) nitrite nitrogen concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
NO3 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) nitrate nitrogen concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
SP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) soluble phosphorus (soluble reactive plus soluble unreactive phosphorus, or orthophosphate) concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
DIP_SRP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) dissolved inorganic phosphorus (soluble reactive phosphorus) concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
SO4 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) sulfate sulfur concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
Cl float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) chloride concentration in a water sample measured in the laboratory using standard methods
DL_TN float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for TN. Mandatory if a TN value has been provided
DL_TKN float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for TKN. Mandatory if a TKN value has been provided
DL_TP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for TP. Mandatory if a TP value has been provided
DL_TC float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for TC. Mandatory if a TC value has been provided
DL_TON float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for TON. Mandatory if a TON value has been provided
DL_TOP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for TOP. Mandatory if a TOP value has been provided
DL_TOC float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for TOC. Mandatory if a TOC value has been provided
DL_DOP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for DOP. Mandatory if a DOP value has been provided
DL_DOC float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for DOC. Mandatory if a DOC value has been provided
DL_NH4 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for NH4. Mandatory if a NH4 value has been provided
DL_NOX float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for NOX. Mandatory if a NOX value has been provided
DL_NO2 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for NO2. Mandatory if a NO2 value has been provided
DL_NO3 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for NO3. Mandatory if a NO3 value has been provided
DL_SP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for SP. Mandatory if a SP value has been provided
DL_DIP_SRP float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for DIP_SRP. Mandatory if a DIP_SRP value has been provided
DL_SO4 float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for SO4. Mandatory if a SO4 value has been provided
DL_Cl float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Lower detection limit for Cl. Mandatory if a Cl value has been provided
mean_depth_thalweg float m (meter) mean water depth at thalweg
mean_wetted_width float m (meter) mean width of wetted channel
SWGW_difference float cm (centimeter) height difference between the stream water level immediately outside of the piezometer(tube) and the water level in the piezometer(tube) sunk into the saturated sediments beneath the streambed. Positive values indicate the water level in the piezometer is is higher than the stream stage (groundwater is moving into the stream) and negative values that the water level is lower (stream water is moving into the saturated sediments)
VHG float Ø SWGW_difference divided by the depth (in cm) from the streambed to the bottom of piezometer for a solid pipe open at the bottom (or to the midpoint of the perforations or screened section for a piezometer with a slotted or perforated design). A positive value indicates upwelling and a negative value indicates downwelling
pH float Ø pH of the water measured in situ with standard equipment
electrical_conductivity float uS cm^⁻1 () electrical conductivity of the water measured in situ with standard equipment
specific_conductance float uS cm^⁻1 () electrical conductivity at 25 degrees Celcius of the water measured in situ with standard equipment
temperature float °C (degrees Celcius) temperature of the water collected with standard equipment
dissolved_oxygen_saturated float % (percent) dissolved oxygen (as % saturation) of the water collected with standard equipment
dissolved_oxygen_ppm float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) dissolved oxygen concentration of the water collected with standard equipment
Secchi float m (meter) Water transparancy measured by Secchi disc
turbidity float NTU () Turbidity of the water column using the Nephelometric method in situ
discharge float m3 s^⁻1 () discharge in the water column measured in situ
discharge_from_gauge float m³ s^⁻2 () discharge in the water column as derived from a flow gauge
chlorophyll_fluorescence float % (percent) Chlorophyll a in the water column measured by optical fluorescence in situ
alkalinity float meq L^⁻1 () bicarbonate plus carbonate concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
hardness float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) calcium plus magnesium concentration in a water sample determined in the laboratory using standard methods
total_suspended_solids float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Sum of all suspended solids in a water sample determined in the laboratiry using standard methods
chlorophyll_concentration float mg L^⁻1 (milligram per liter) Chlorophyll a concentration in a water sample determined spectrophometrically in the laboratory using standard methods
fine_sediment float % (percent) Mean percentage of fine sediment (clay, silt, sand) in the location sampled
clay float % (percent) Mean percentage of clay (<0.004mm) in the location sampled
silt float % (percent) Mean percentage of silt (0.004-0.06mm) in the location sampled
sand float % (percent) Mean percentage of sand (0.06-2mm) in the location sampled
gravel float % (percent) Mean percentage of gravel (2-16mm) in the location sampled
pebble float % (percent) Mean percentage of pebble (16-64mm) in the location sampled
cobble float % (percent) Mean percentage of cobble (64-256mm) in the location sampled
boulder float % (percent) Mean percentage of boulder (>256mm) in the location sampled
bedrock float % (percent) Mean percentage of bedrock in the habitat sampled
macrophytes float % (percent) Mean percentage of aquatic macrophytes in the habitat sampled
bare float % (percent) Mean percentage of bare riverbed in the habitat sampled
detritus float % (percent) Mean percentage of leaf litter (detritus) in the location sampled
canopy_cover float % (percent) Mean percentage of the wetted channel shaded by the riparian canopy


Sample with taxon counts

main table

name definition
id_sample * id_sample from Sample table
id_taxon_ori * id_taxon from ref_taxa_categ as it was when added to base.
id_taxon * id_taxon from ref_taxa_categ up to date.
value * counted or mesured value

side table sample_data_info

name type unit definition
type_of_abundance_data char Ø type of abundance data