Schema of database


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Database table in detail

This is a guide to understand the 16 tables of DataFlowS - EcoFlowS. The version of this document is : v.2.3.


Represent a sampling project.

This table have 10 fields.

id dataset (IntegerField)
lb dataset (CharField) is default id_dataset + “dataset”
dataset owner (ForeignKey) is the person and/or company who owns the data with associated rights
dataset institute (CharField) is institute (or representative one) associated with the dataset
dataset country (CharField) is country in which the location is located (full name in english)
id template (ForeignKey) is id_format_template de table format_template existant
default availability (BooleanField) is set True if all data is public access (login remain mandatory)
dataset status (CharField) is Set data status among : dataset-only, inventory-only, full-data
DOI (CharField) is DOI if possible
creation date (DateField) is dataset creation date


This table have 4 fields.

ID (BigAutoField)
id dataset (ForeignKey) is id_dataset from Dataset table
id tableField (ForeignKey) is id_tableField from Table_field
valeur (CharField) is free value but possibly to be check if tagged as such in table_Field table and/or mandatory if tagged as such in tamplate_field_list table


This table have 3 fields.

id site dataset (AutoField)
id dataset (ForeignKey) is id_dataset from dataset table
id site (ForeignKey) is id_site from Site table


This table have 5 fields.

id template (AutoField)
lb template (CharField) is template format name
short summary (CharField) is short template description
version (IntegerField) is version number (if necessary)
creation date (DateField) is creation date


Table of taxon

This table have 8 fields.

id taxon (IntegerField) is identifiant du taxon
lb taxon (CharField) is Appelation du taxon
thematique taxon (CharField) is thématique (macoinvertébrés, poisson, diatomée, macrophyte, phyrtoplancton…)
niveau hierarchique (IntegerField) is niveau hierarchique du taxon RECOFGE (version numerique)
version (DateField) is date de la version
taxon parent (IntegerField) is id_taxon du parent hierarchique, NULL possible seulement pour la racine
id taxon old (IntegerField) is id_taxon de la version antérieure
statut taxon (BooleanField) is TRUE pour appelation active et à jour, FALSE pour ancienne appellation devenue périmée
Exemple :
Cyphon (62493)



This table have 4 fields.

id sample (AutoField)
lb sample (CharField) is explicit labeling possible
id survey (ForeignKey)
time (TimeField) is hh:mm:ss


Sample with taxon counts

This table have 5 fields.

id sampleData (AutoField)
id sample (ForeignKey) is id_sample from Sample table
id taxon ori (ForeignKey) is id_taxon from ref_taxa_categ as it was when added to base.
id taxon (ForeignKey) is id_taxon from ref_taxa_categ up to date.
value (FloatField) is counted or mesured value


This table have 4 fields.

ID (BigAutoField)
id sampleData (ForeignKey) is id_surveyData from sampleData table
id tableField (ForeignKey) is id_tableField from Table_field
valeur (CharField) is free value but possibly to be check if tagged as such in table_Field table and/or mandatory if tagged as such in tamplate_field_list table


This table have 4 fields.

ID (BigAutoField)
id sample (ForeignKey) is id_sample from Sample table
id tableField (ForeignKey) is id_tableField from table_field
valeur (CharField) is free value but possibly to be check if tagged as such in table_Field table and/or mandatory if tagged as such in tamplate_field_list table


Table for define a station also know as site sampling

This table have 8 fields.

id site (AutoField) is Auto increment
cd site (CharField) is site code in case of existing nomenclature (eg water agency station coding)
x (FloatField) is The latitude of the location (datum : WGS84)
y (FloatField) is The longitude of the location (datum : WGS84)
z (FloatField) is Mean altitude of the site or station above sea level (metrique)
GPS accuracy (CharField) is accuracy in log10 scale : 1m, 10m, 100m, 1km, unknown
river (CharField) is full name of the river, including the watercourse type
country (CharField) is country in which the location is located (full name in english or ISO3166 two letter code)
Exemple :
Station ALB_123 45.92842, 5.3858 Albarine


This table have 4 fields.

ID (BigAutoField)
id site dataset (ForeignKey) is id_site from Site table
id tableField (ForeignKey) is id_tableField from Table_field
valeur (CharField) is free value but possibly to be check if tagged as such in table_Field table and/or mandatory if tagged as such in tamplate_field_list table


Table of survey (sample × time)

This table have 6 fields.

id survey (AutoField)
lb survey (CharField) is explicit labeling possible
id site dataset (ForeignKey) is id_site_meta de table Dataset_site existant
date (DateField) is yyyy-mm-dd
ecological theme (CharField) is ecological theme between (invertebrate, fish, PC, T° etc…) : each theme tables (context and dataSample + corr. side tables) will have its own schemas
classe (CharField) is type de mesure : directe ; indirecte (DNA) ; modélisée


This table have 4 fields.

ID (BigAutoField)
id survey (ForeignKey) is id_survey from Survey table
id tableField (ForeignKey) is id_tableField from table_field
valeur (CharField) is free value but possibly to be check if tagged as such in table_Field table and/or mandatory if tagged as such in tamplate_field_list table


This table have 7 fields.

id tableField (IntegerField)
lb tableField (CharField) is field name
to check (BooleanField) is wether to check or not in the API (eg range or exsting in a ref table)
check rule (CharField) is if to_check is True, definition of the rule
var type (CharField) is variable class (char, int, float, boolean, date)
id unit (ForeignKey) is id_unit from Unit table
definition (TextField) is field definition


This table have 6 fields.

id template field list (AutoField)
id template (ForeignKey) is id_template from Format_template table
id tableField (ForeignKey) is field name
lb schema (CharField) is this postgreSQL database schema where to locate this field
lb table (CharField) is this postgreSQL database table where to locate this field
mandatory (BooleanField) is is the given field mandatory in the correponding template


This table have 3 fields.

id unit (IntegerField)
short lb unit (CharField) is short name
long lb unit (CharField) is long name